“Little did I know over a year ago now, that being recommended to see Linda would have such a profound impact on my life.

 Before TRTP,  I was anxious, put relentless pressure on myself to succeed in all aspects of life and was guilty of entertaining self-sabotaging thoughts on a regular basis. I found that I was tipping out of balance any time additional stress entered into my world and be paralysed at times with my own self-doubt.

 It is hard for me to describe the effect that each of sessions in the TRTP process has, but what was clear is the unlocking of so much energy, supressed emotions and grief in a safe and supportive space. From the first session I could already start to feel a change in myself and how I viewed/interacted with the world around me. At the conclusion of TRTP, what I remember most was the feeling of weightlessness, the change which loved ones saw in me and peace with memories I previously could not let go of. 

It has now been a year since I have done the TRTP sessions and I have been and continue to be amazed at the change which has occurred since that last session. In addition to the positive growth, increased confidence and change that has occurred since, what I find the most profound is the newly developed ability to cope with unexpected change, grief and stress in a positive manner. Where previously, I would of crumbled and been stuck in a dark place for a prolonged period, I feel as if I now have the tools, strength and energy to work through the challenges that have come my way since.

 I am so thankful that I was able to find Linda and TRTP in my early 20’s, I truly believe this has set me on the right path to achieving my potential and a happier existence.

Linda is one of the most amazing people that I have encountered and I could not recommend her more highly.”

“Linda is very insightful into the human condition and has a warm (but not gushy) way of interacting. I had struggled all my life to believe in myself, or to even understand that I could choose how I wanted to live my life. It all seemed like “this is just who I am and it’s not going to get any better.”

Linda gave me permission to choose to believe in myself, and gave me the words that I didn’t know I could speak to myself about myself. I know now that I am responsible for myself and that’s a good thing.

I used to be frightened of this idea but now I see it can be a really exciting way to live; life has become more of an adventure not a terrifying ordeal to just get through. I have had a few bumps in life since my work with Linda. But I have been pleasantly surprised that I have not fallen into that old pattern of despair and hopelessness that I used to know so well. I was able to keep believing in myself despite those difficulties. I recommend her to you.”

“After completing TRTP with Linda, I know go through life with much more peace, finding more joy & feeling content with my life. Linda made the process easy & comfortable, I felt save and confident we could get through it. TRTP is a short & powerful course that I would recommend to anyone struggling with anxiety or depression, I know longer suffer with depression or anxiety. I feel free and happy. I thank you Linda for changing my world.”


“I can’t thank you enough, the skills that you equipped me with have changed my life over these past few months. I can’t put it in to words how thankful I am, but I need to, because more people need to know the power of that process.”


“After I had one kidney removed because of cancer, I was very down. Somehow it brought up feelings of the past; the way I was treated as a child. I was bullied, humiliated; treated as being stupid. I felt unloved and unwanted; this made me realize how lonely I was. When I was young there was favouritism in the family; being a twin I was told by my father that I had half a brain. I was referred to Linda by an Integrative Medical Practitioner. After my first visit, I knew she could help me with my problems. I was mad with my dad; the way he treated and neglected me when I needed him most in my life. I never mingled because I was scared to speak in case I make a mistake and worried that people would make fun of me.

I have seen Linda five times over four months. She has helpedme a great deal with dealing with my past and other problems. She taught me how not to dwell in the past and to focus on the present. I don’t know how to thank her for what she did for me. I am now a different person. I am a very happy. Because of Linda I look at life in a different way. I don’t blame anyone, I accept people the way they are. I love myself and I am proud of myself and of all my achievements.

Thank you very much Linda. You have enriched my life.”

Ronald Wilmann

“When I first discussed TRTP with Linda I just knew that this was the therapy for me! It was like the stars had all aligned in how I was led to even finding out about TRTP. I’d had a few trauma’s, but nothing life changing or earth shattering so to speak. My main reason for undergoing TRTP was to try and heal my nervous system so that I could effectively treat and heal my chronic illnesses.

After the first session I felt uplifted and confident in who I am, which had been lacking for some time. The second session was challenging and I had to repeat this, but it was totally worth having to do again – my life has changed completely, and for the better. I no longer have nagging anxiety about nothing in particular, which left me fatigued and with a heaviness in my chest. 

For decades I felt like I knew my potential in life, but that there was an invisible fence around me holding me back from achieving what I wanted, and stopping me from striving for what I wanted in life. I now wake up with enthusiasm for life. I am now so busy in my spare time, catching up on life and doing the things I want to do in my day, rather than procrastinating. I now have a love for life itself, rather than a dread for more of the same hardship I was experiencing most days. I now feel free and able to follow my dreams. 

I now have an appreciation for who I am, and I totally accept and embrace who I am as an individual, a wife, a mother, a business owner, a friend, a neighbour, a daughter, a sister. I now want to be out in the world, being me and having a great time. And since TRTP this is exactly what I am doing! And it feels absolutely amazing. I am embracing the connections I’ve had for years, but never been able to really develop because I wasn’t confident enough in myself or accepting of myself. I am embracing the new connections that come my way.  I now feel absolute comfort in my own presence; I don’t need anyone else around to make me feel whole. I love company, but I no longer need it.

I used to describe myself as quite needy, as I have a multitude of illnesses, but I no longer need to depend on anyone for anything, and this is quite astounding to me.  A lot of my fears have simply dissipated! Even though I know and am reminded that I had certain fears, something overrides these and makes me step forward and do what I need and want to do. Simply amazing. Some of the relationships in my life have changed because of my new found independence, and it is so much healthier.

Since doing TRTP it is very clear to me when someone standing in front of me needs to do TRTP. I always share my experience with those individuals and leave them with the following:

You have nothing to lose in doing TRTP; you have everything to gain. You have your whole future to gain. And even if you don’t think you have a significant traumatic event or period in your life that needs the attention of TRTP, you will find something in your subconscious that IS holding you back, and you WILL have a greater life upon completion of the therapy.

Linda is quite an amazing therapist, and I cannot speak highly enough of her. She is such a nurturing soul and I thank her from the bottom of my heart for all she has done for me.

I wish that every individual on the earth could undergo TRTP because quite simply, the world would be a better place.”

Cait Milicic

“I just wanted to thank you as doing TRTP has been transformational. You were fabulous at making me feel at ease and I felt totally supported on this extraordinary journey into my new healthy and happy self and future. Since beginning the program I have put on weight and yes this is a good thing, for me it means that I am absorbing more nutrients and I am enjoying having a little more energy as a result. I feel like a different person and I wondered if it would hold, but here I am more than two weeks later and I still feel like all the pressure and drive to constantly be ‘doing’ has gone – no more ‘running from’ the past.  It’s almost like constantly being on holidays, relaxed and doing what you feel like, when you feel like it. Not only do I feel like a new person but my daughter noticed that I look different on Zoom – she said ‘Mum you are glowing’. So I highly recommend this program for anyone that wants to step into a better and brighter future.”


“With several months passed since our session, I wanted to share where I’ve landed.  Even this period of time on, I find more and more clarity in what I learned from my time with you and I suspect this will be true for a very long time to come.  With clarity has come so much peace, I didn’t realise that was actually what I was searching for all along.  As I travel back through my life and revisit experiences I associated disappointment in myself, I have found a grace for her. Understanding how much her hurt shut down her capacity to grow, giving her the tenderness she deserved at the time.  I really cannot explain how calming it is to have that restlessness gone.   

I talk of our experience together often, seeding the idea for those around me that perhaps the thing they are chasing isn’t the thing at all, and sharing the freedom that discovering this has given me.  To hold no guilt or remorse about stripping as much unnecessary clutter out of my life and just sitting with the silence.  Each time the voice of “shoulda, coulda, woulda” pops up, I just turn away.  I hope you can understand the depth of the gift you have given me, and the depth of my appreciation for it.  

This is a moment in my life that I will return to forever, where I returned to myself.  Thank you for lighting that path.”


“The experience of working with Linda in just a very short number of sessions has been literally life changing. She has helped me identify the patterns from my childhood that have be quietly holding me back from what I want for my life, which were completely invisible to me before we started. 

In fact, when she went through the discovery phase of our first consult and laid out what she had identified were blockers for me, I thought she was reading someone else’s notes – that’s how blind I was!  Turns out, they were all completely accurate and having identified them, she helped me heal them so they are no longer tying my feet together.  She not only gave me the best of herself in the therapy modality that I had engaged her in, she is skilled in so many more and generously delved into more of them when it was clear I could benefit from that combined approach. 

Linda has such a calming character, she is like balm for the soul.  I found myself looking forward to our sessions with a real childlike excitement about what she would uncover and what I would learn about myself.  I am not the same person I was when we started, there is a contentment and calm that I have been chasing all my life that I simply couldn’t put a dollar value on receiving and will be forever grateful for the peace that Linda left me with.”


“Thanks to Linda I have gone from anxious to calm gained greater control of my feelings & thoughts and believe in me again!

These processes have made the difference I’ve been searching for.”


“I have only just finished my 3 sessions of TRTP with Linda and I can immediately see an incredible difference in my behaviour, thinking patterns and actions.

A lifetime of trauma, self-destructive tendencies and depression lead me to the point where I felt like maybe it best if I wasn’t alive (although not suicidal), I had been seeing Linda for some time and she recommended the TRTP program as a way to take “clean out” all the bad things in my head that were holding me back.

TRTP was a journey within myself, confronting fears and traumas in an organic and stress free manner. I noticed a huge change within myself after the first session and I only got better once I had made my way through the other 2 sessions.

It’s hard to describe it and a little cliché but I feel like a massive weight has been lifted, I feel truly myself for once and look forward to what the future holds for me.

I wholeheartedly recommend TRTP and Linda Phillips, words cannot express how grateful I am.”


“I look into the mirror now and I see someone slightly foreign to me. I see an emotionally strong and empowered woman.

I feel at peace with my past and genuinely content. I feel calm;
I feel safe.

I can’t thank you enough.”

“Prior to TRTP, I was in a pretty bad state for many years, upon reflection. I had had some recent major stressors, one after the other, that exacerbated everything leading to a crisis. I was doing only what was necessary to get me through the daily grind. I wanted to die but I wasn’t suicidal…I was just “existing”, predominantly to look after my cat (my only friend). 

I used to wake up in the mornings to find myself crying and wishing to stay in my dreams as they were far better than reality. I had no idea that I had PTSD and anxiety, I thought I was just depressed and pathetic. I have felt very, very sad for most of my life but tried not to show it, or my true feelings, to anyone. 

I was a little wary of hypnosis as I know that “suggestions” can be “implanted”. A tad paranoid also perhaps?

My therapist spent time reassuring me and gave me an outline of the session contents so I decided to go ahead….one of the best things I have ever done and I know this experience will stay with me forever!

Session 1:

Talk about “cloud 9”; I felt like someone had spiked my coffee with a double shot of euphoria! The effect was pretty much instant.

It wasn’t just how I was feeling; it was how I “carried myself” as other people noticed too; strangers were smiling at me, shop assistants were surprisingly extra helpful and even my cat was different towards me (wanting to play all the time). It was like an inner joy that radiated to anything within proximity…a warm and healing Sun in a special world.I was looking forward to session 2 as I wasn’t sure how long I could be this ridiculously happy and it was such a dramatic change from my previous state.

Session 2:

Very intense! Felt like I had run a marathon when I got home; exhausted that evening but slept like a log and woke up a new person. This session took me back through my deeply buried traumas but without the pain, in fact I felt a greatunderstanding into my nature and who/why I have become “me”. I also felt a profound connection with humanity and my faith that there is a “master plan” was reinstated. I felt quite humbled (still do), no pedestals or arrogance here; I am simply a better person.

What was once a problem became an issue and then a drama for me. Now I see a problem just as it is: something to be fixed (no more procrastination)…and I can ask for help if I need it. 

I am now saying to myself “bring it on because I can handle it”, I look forward to the challenge. I feel a lot calmer than I did in session 1 but the inner happiness remains and everything is a breeze… nothing fazes me. I was/am amazed at how easy this process has been.

Session 3:

This session changed my thinking from; “well, what’s next….and where to from here?” to “Wow, there is potential for anything…and I can make it happen”. I feel deeply connected with myself and my compassion/empathy dial for others has turned up a few clicks too!

 I still feel quite humbled by the whole experience and am thrilled to bits that I’m not a “doormat” anymore. I can be politely assertive when I need to be and I’m finding that people respond to me better. I’m sure that it’s because I am projecting a quiet confidence…and “I know who I am”.Physically I feel literally lighter, my sleeping has improved and there is a sparkle in my eyes…some of my colleagues have been looking at me sideways; I’m sure they’re wondering what I’ve been up to.

I will listen to the recording of session 3 periodically as I’m sure it will be useful for future manifestations and perhaps a “top up”. I’ve only just finished the therapy so I’ll see how I go… I know that I’m never going back to what I was.

I would only recommend TRTP to anyone who wants to change their life for the better. Some effects can be subtle and some quite profound. As individuals we all have our own perceptions and life experiences so I imagine the therapywould be different for all but it really has worked for me and I am a new, grateful person who wakes up happy!”


“A few months ago, on the recommendation of a close lifelong friend, I decided to try TRTP Therapy.

The main reason I wanted to try it was that for the past 20 years I have seen many different therapists, psychologists, etc, in a desperate attempt to heal a very strong ‘trigger’ within me that brought out aggression and anger and which alienated me from people.

As a result (or as well as), I also suffered bouts of grave anxiety and depression.

Unfortunately, nothing I had tried and no therapist I saw could heal this ‘trigger’.

I looked at all the TRTP Therapists online and was immediately drawn to Linda Philip.

So, I contacted her, she got back to me promptly and after discussing my issues we set up my appointments to start very soon after that.

Linda was absolutely wonderful, a truly skilled, thorough and caring therapist and I felt completely safe in her presence.

It is now a couple of months since I completed the therapy and I have to say that I am completely blown away by the absolutely miraculous healing of my trigger… I just can’t believe it.

I have not been triggered once and there have been plenty of instances where in the past I would have blown a gasket, but I have had absolutely no reaction what-so-ever.  I am stunned, amazed, thrilled and incredibly relieved.  I feel like I can have a life now, that I no longer need to fear myself – or at least fear my involuntary reaction when triggered.

I couldn’t possibly recommend the TRTP Therapy, nor Linda Philip more.

Both are quite special and amazing.”

Lesley Thomas

“I would like to recommend not only TRTP but more especially my therapist Linda.

After a traumatic wartime and refugee childhood, I spent a lifetime of nightmares, insomnia, eating disorders and depressive episodes. Medication and frequent therapy certainly helped for a bit, until the next challenge came along to knock me over. Retirement and ill health in later years took its toll.

My doctor virtually gave up on me considering me too complicated. Linda recognised the complexity of my issues and was a great support throughout.

Twelve months ago I underwent TRTP therapy with Linda. The process was more than amazing, and the results even more so. 

Anyone suffering with mental issues, I know what you are going through and am delighted to say that my life has changed radically. I wish I’d known about this therapy earlier, years earlier!

After the three sessions done online, I felt calm and there was more light in my life, but the real changes came incrementally and are still going on. 

From a bout of depression lasting almost three years following major surgery to remove a carcinoma and part of my bowel, I just did not know how to proceed. I put on weight, nearly 50kg and could do nothing to change the ballooning even though I knew the consequences. I wanted to withdraw from everyone I loved and admired, could not find direction and purpose in my life, my sleep went from bad to worse and nothing gave me joy.

Following the sessions with a very intuitive and caring therapist, I noticed changes growing all the time.

Within 3 weeks I was consciously aware that I wanted to do something about my binge eating and poor sleep. I have since taken off 30 KG and am delighted to get into decent clothes again.

I was reaching out to family and friends and learning to be more assertive without the fear that my world would explode like a bomb in my face and becoming paralysed into inaction.

Two months ago I faced more abdominal surgery. In the past, I would have crashed totally and for ages.

Twelve months after the TRTP, and only 2 two or 3 sessions to tweak around the edges, I feel I am a different person.

I’m out of the depression spiral, I’ve been off some of my medication for 6 months and did not need to reinstate it post-surgery. about to decrease other medication. I’m able to deal with stress without panicking, my relationships have improved, I’m able to hold conflicting emotions without breaking down and can face difficult situations more assertively rather than withdrawing.

Most importantly, I no longer expect perfection, but can accept myself and others for the paradoxically vulnerable yet strong humans we are.”

“It’s hard to describe how TRTP has effected me but I know that I am changed somehow. In only 3 sessions I’ve gone from what seems like a lifetime of worry and fighting/questioning myself internally to a solid sense of peace, calm and optimism.

And the changes in me continue to unfold in all areas of my life day by day.

I’m amazed that so much can be achieved in such a non-threatening finite process.
TRTP is extraordinary and so is Linda Philip.

Linda is a gifted, insightful, compassionate, yet down to earth and practical facilitator.

Thank you Linda. I’m very grateful”.

“The results I have experienced from just three TRTP sessions with Linda have definitely exceeded my expectations.
The process was gentle, safe and supportive, and since then I have noticed myself naturally and easily behaving in new ways that support my deepest aspirations and values.
I have let go of old unhelpful patterns that I have had all my adult life. I wholeheartedly recommend Linda to anyone who feels stuck.”
“Amazing transformations – stopped my depression medication, stopped drinking except occasional, started to lose weight and other changes since your magic trauma therapy!”
“When I came to see Linda I’d just quit my job (again), and I was burnt out, frustrated and stressed that I’d never be able to find another job or have consistent income.

Through the process of TRTP Linda helped me see that this was a recurring emotional rollercoaster that was happening in different areas of my life.

In just three sessions, Linda was able to guide me through the trtp steps to uncover the things that were holding me back.

Though it involved delving into painful memories/events in the past, Linda made sure I was always feeling comfortable and supported the whole way through.

Now I’m out on the other side and I can’t rave about Linda and trtp enough! I’ve let go of the baggage that I was holding on to and can see awesome opportunities around every corner.

I’ve gone from dragging my feet out of bed every morning to a job that I detest, to jumping out of bed before my alarm goes off excited to get started with the day. It’s helped me so much that I’ve recommended Linda to pretty much anyone who’ll listen – so just give it a go, trust me it’ll be worth it!”

“I just wanted to thank you for helping unleash the happiness in Tori and to help her address a lot of her anxiety and self-esteem issues.

I expect that she will still have her doubts and dips from time to time, but she seems now much better equipped to bounce back.”

“I just wanted to thank you from the bottom of my heart for all the help through our sessions together.

You have helped me in so many ways – to believe in myself again, to learn to let go and learn from the past, to unlock and find my potential.

I now have restored faith in my abilities and most importantly I have hope for a better and successful future. I couldn’t have done it without you!”


“I attribute my recovery and road to a successful life doing what I love to Linda and her honest, open, intuitive practice. She is truly a gifted practitioner and I am so lucky she came into my life.”


“For anyone struggling with losing weight or eating for emotional reasons, I highly recommend having some sessions with Linda Philip. 

Linda can help you find your way to happiness around food, by working with wonderful techniques. 

Linda is authentically caring, understanding and encouraging.  She is truly a wonderful person who deeply cares about making a difference in the lives of others. 

I would highly recommend Linda to you if you want someone who cares and someone you can trust to take you to where you want to be, gently, without feeling deprived or dieting! 

It’s not about the food, it’s all about the mind.  Once your mind is clear and your emotions are stable, the rest falls into place. 

If you are an emotional eater & would like to live your best life, see Linda!  I don’t know anyone I would recommend more highly than Linda!”


“The experience of working with Linda in just a very short number of sessions has been literally life changing. She has helped me identify the patterns from my childhood that have be quietly holding me back from what I want for my life, which were completely invisible to me before we started.  In fact, when she went through the discovery phase of our first consult and laid out what she had identified were blockers for me, I thought she was reading someone else’s notes – that’s how blind I was!  Turns out, they were all completely accurate and having identified them, she helped me heal them so they are no longer tying my feet together.  She not only gave me the best of herself in the therapy modality that I had engaged her in, she is skilled in so many more and generously delved into more of them when it was clear I could benefit from that combined approach.  

Linda has such a calming character, she is like balm for the soul.  I found myself looking forward to our sessions with a real childlike excitement about what she would uncover and what I would learn about myself.  I am not the same person I was when we started, there is a contentment and calm that I have been chasing all my life that I simply couldn’t put a dollar value on receiving and will be forever grateful for the peace that Linda left me with.”


“I have had CBT therapy on and off for 6 years. I have struggled with anxiety, eating problems and attachment issues for a long time. Nothing seemed to be working until I was introduced via a friend in Tasmania to Linda. I live in London so it was a long shot if this form of therapy could be successful via Zoom calls. I was willing to give it a go as I was miserable. It’s been a month now since I’ve completed TRTP and the change in me is enormous. I still say to Linda, ‘I don’t understand what you’ve done to me but I’m so happy’. My mum calls her the ‘Miracle Therapist.’

Even my recent flight to Spain, I had no negative thought. No anxiety about flying, it was only when we landed that I thought , wow, why didn’t I go in to meltdown over that flight.

I have gone from a nervous, insecure mess, to a confident shining being. I haven’t felt this happy or alive for years and I’m genuinely baffled. I never imagined this process could ever be as successful as it has been. Every day I wake up and think, am I sad today? But no, I never am. She really has changed my life and I would recommend Linda to anyone who is struggling.

If you allow her to help you, you won’t be disappointed. It’s a scary thought to have someone tap in to the mind that you’re so protective of. I was extremely nervous to do so but wow. The only way I can truly describe me at the moment is to say ‘I’m shining’. I feel like the old me again. Thank you Linda for saving me and bringing me back to life. I will forever be grateful to you.”

Harriet Thompson

“TRTP and Linda Phillip are amazing resources for anyone with a trauma history. It really is an incredible process, TRTP, and Linda is an excellent facilitator. Linda’s passion and commitment to your personal journey is imperative to the process. 

I am a new mother about to turn 30 and had my last session of TRTP a couple of weeks ago. I discovered TRTP through a friend who is a psychologist and also a facilitator. My trauma history was rooted in my childhood, growing up in a DV scenario. Through years of talking therapy, I had uncovered a lot and in the process (inevitably, perhaps) became attached to the narrative. I had become a victim. Through TRTP, just 3 sessions (or 6 with a MHCP), I have grown from this victim into a victor. It’s incredible. It really does sound too good to be true, but the truth is, it is true! I was ready for change, more than anything I did not want to carry around the weight of the past, and TRTP and Linda helped me immensely in getting there. 

Today I happened to find myself in a situation that would have, only a couple of months ago, been an intensely triggering scenario for myself. Today, my heart race didn’t increase once. I didn’t start to sweat. My mind wasn’t racing. My mouth wasn’t dry. I wasn’t lost for words. My back wasn’t stooped. I didn’t want to run away. I was able to hold an objective view of the situation. I still felt empathetic to the situation, but I was an outsider. It wasn’t affecting me personally. The situation did not take me back to my past. Mind-blowing. 

I am honestly elated by the therapy. As it’s only been a couple of weeks since my last session, it’s still so fresh that I cannot properly grasp just how much it has changed my outlook. But honestly, I feel like a different person. I am still me, who feels deeply and has a tendency to worry at times, but I believe these parts of me are no different than any other neuro-typical human. The weight of the trauma I have been carrying around my whole life has lifted. I feel freer and lighter. My problems are here in the now, not in the past. I am more confident, more comfortable in my own skin. Sure, some doubt has come up, but I can see those thoughts as old thinking patterns that I trust will disperse with time. And I am so, so grateful. 

If you are ready for change in your life, really ready, then this is your time. Take some deep breaths, believe anything is possible, and go for it. 

Thank you, Linda. Thank you.” 


“I’m so deeply grateful for your work with me. I feel like a new woman, in a new chapter of my making and I love it. That I am now sleeping without medication is so awesome, but the benefits are touching every area of my life….

I had the kind of trauma that could be called ‘common garden’ trauma, some stressful events throughout my life that I’d adapted to, dealt with, or so I thought, and got on with life. I’ve been lucky enough to avoid big ticket trauma events, and even wondered if I really needed these sessions … it turns out I did! 

I’m a successful business woman,  in her mid-60s … with a hitch. I wasn’t sleeping without medication and hadn’t been for nearly 10 years. That was my main motivation; I dearly wanted to be able to find that deep restorative sleep all on my own, that I hoped was still possible for me. I’d tried many times with various strategies over the years and failed; I just couldn’t get to sleep without my ‘blanky’. It was a big ask for 3 sessions to alter that trajectory, but they did. 

I am so delighted to be able to say that within a few days of completing my sessions, I started sleeping, without medication. That in itself feels miraculous. But there is so much more; it feels like every area of my life has been impacted. A few key things: I’ve created boundaries that support me, I feel calm, centred, I’ve altered my future around work, I’m proud of who I am. And it feels … good!

I couldn’t have dreamed up a better practitioner than Linda, I felt immediately at ease with her; she is masterful, generous, humble and deeply committed to (my) success with the process. She went above and beyond. I’m deeply grateful.” 


“Although I hesitated initially to do TRTP, I am glad now that I did go through this process with you. I feel I am completely different person now compared to where I was for a very long time before TRTP. I have developed new-found energy that I thought I would not experience easily again. I will continue to re-live this experience and am moving forward with confidence and a positive mindset.

Thank you for your care and patience during therapy. You are an amazing person who has deep understanding, compassion for the often difficult experiences that occur in our lives. I without hesitation would recommend TRTP and Linda to anyone who has experienced trauma and who face continued anxiety in their lives.”


“I have so much to say that I do not know where to begin. The entire process of TRTP has been nothing short of amazing and life changing for me. I have dealt with several traumatic life experiences in 25 short years. I went into severe depression 5 years ago and have had crippling anxiety for quite some time. The depression, I had slowly overcome but anxiety was a major part of my life. After 4 years of CBT, I realised that I needed to do something more and through a friend came across TRTP. Linda was a perfect match for my situation, she has experience in everything I was trying to overcome. 

The biggest mention I will make is that you need to be 100% committed to this process and believe that it will benefit you. Have no doubt in your mind because you’ll only be holding yourself back. I am so dumbfoundedly pleased to say that I have overcome everything I needed to. The lack mindset, the victim mentality that was brought on by multiple types of abuse, the anxiety, the self-doubt, low self-image, and esteem are the major things we dealt with. Linda was able to understand the root of my issues, something no previous practitioner had been able to pinpoint, and she was so incredibly supportive throughout the process. Once we overcame the trauma and the subconscious beliefs were changed, it’s as though I became a new person overnight. 

To give insight, before going into this I had anxiety on an unconscious level. I would be worried and stressed but not know what I was worried or stressed about. Prior to beginning TRTP, my DASS (Depression Anxiety Stress Scale) was an 8-9, after TRTP, it’s a 0-1. My anxiety is just gone. It’s crazy. 

I feel as though I am born again, and I am so very grateful that I was able to do TRTP because I now feel like the best version of myself, and I know it will only be upwards from here. Thank you so much Linda. I truly cannot put into words how unbelievable the changes have been. I knew TRTP was the answer for me prior to commencement and I was not wrong.”


“TRTP with Linda has been transformative. 

It’s a simple concept, with powerful results – that traditional therapy hasn’t been able to shift for me.

I was amazed at the speed at which I saw change, not only emotionally, but also in relation to my physical manifestations of trauma. 

I cannot recommend this therapy highly enough. Linda is such a kind and gentle therapist who really holds the space, understands her clients and supports them to get the most out of this intervention. If you have anything to work on in your life – seriously consider TRTP with Linda, it will be life changing.”


“When I first looked into TRTP, I read reviews narrating excellent results for people with all kinds of unresolved trauma. But I was anxious. I wondered whether it was foolish to believe that it could change my life as it had for others. I worried that I was somehow going to do it “wrong” and that I would somehow “fail”. Ultimately, I chose to try it out because I didn’t want my anxious thoughts to hold me back from growth. I am infinitely happy that I took a chance on TRTP, and on myself. 

Since my last TRTP session, I feel that I am consistently in control of my mind and my emotions. I’m no longer stuck in the past, wishing for the “could’ve been’s”. I have a much easier time expressing how I’m feeling or defending myself without getting overcome by emotions. I actively choose to be a victor instead of a victim. And I am, ultimately, happier and more confident. 

I cannot recommend TRTP and Linda enough. I am a better person today because of them.” 

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